Quaid-e-Azam Day Celebration with Dr. Bashir


A Day of Joy at Noor Thalassemia Foundation

On December 25th, Quaid-e-Azam Day, something extraordinary happened at the Noor Thalassemia Foundation. Dr Bashir, who is super kind and caring, visited kids with thalassemia. The place was all decorated and looked like a party! When Dr. Bashir walked in, all the kids were super excited. They had big smiles and couldn't wait to see what would happen next. Then came the best part: cutting the cake! Dr. Bashir and the kids cut a big, yummy cake together. Everyone was clapping and having a great time. They all shared the cake, and it was delicious. There was so much laughter and happiness in the room. Dr. Bashir also gave a speech. He talked about how brave and strong the kids are. He made everyone feel special. Guess what? They even made a video of this speech and the fun party. You can watch it on their YouTube channel! [Here, you can add the YouTube channel link or say, 'Click the link to watch the video!']. The day was about more than just having fun. It was about showing that we're all in this together. Dr Bashir reminded everyone there's always a reason to smile, even on tough days. When the party was over, the kids went home with gifts, sweets, and happy memories. They remembered the laughs, the cake, and Dr. Bashir's kind words. This day at the Noor Thalassemia Foundation was a reminder that little things can make a big difference. And now, thanks to the video, everyone can see how fantastic that day was. Remember to check out the video and share the joy. Link: https://youtube.com//shorts/yr0kSVzcrnU?si=oFAzoIbl0xXb28Iu
